The Christian revolution will need the vitality of the youth.

The Christian revolution of modern times will need the strength and determination of young people.
Non-religious young people may not realize that a kind of cold war crippled Christianity in the public square in the 1960s and 1970s, forcing a rapid decrease in Christian influence in the public across the following decades. The “victors” of that revolution and their successors have circulated ideas that have made many young people today feel antagonistic toward religion or apathetically see it as little more than a myth.
Most young people will only feel that these ideas are their own because they have formed their opinions based on what they have seen and heard. However, the information they have been provided with has often been misleading and lopsided. Many of these youth, however, do want to make an informed decision. Those who do will want to rethink their ideas after learning that they have been unfairly influenced. Young people who want to make an informed decision about what they think of Christianity and its relationship to the public will want to carefully research those ideas from the Christian side, and this will include a study of Christianity in relation to politics. The real Christian fight for freedom of expression in society today is often found in that arena.
Many non-religious young people who genuinely open their minds to understanding what has happened in society will try to see what Christianity genuinely is, as removed from how they have been influenced to see it. Many of them will find that their opinions will change. For Christianity to regain its public voice and presence, it will need the vitality of the youth. The Christian revolution of modern times will need the strength and determination of young people.
Making a true informed decision can be difficult if one isn't researching and giving opportunity to all viewpoints. Young people should be given opportunity to listen to a multitude of opinions before forming their own
One cannot deny that there is a subconscious effect on the minds of young persons. This is Educating and Inspiring.You wrote that "Many non-religious young people who genuinely open their minds to understanding what has happened in society will try to see what Christianity genuinely is, as removed from how they have been influenced to see it." My prayer is that this eyes are finally open.
Wow, this is very inspiring! I liked the quote, "The Christian revolution of modern times will need the strength and determination of young people." It might be hard, but with determination and hard work it could be possible.
This is so insightful. I have always maintained that a lot of Young People Today that has embraced the ways and Ideas of the World to shun Godliness and everything that has to do with the creator all in a bid to look woke or sound enlightened are making a grave mistake. A cursory look at the way we have been influenced by politics and the ways of men will reveal how wrong we have been.