Prayer is powerful, but that doesn't mean action cannot also be needed.

For example, it is good to pray for people to return to Church, but you also want to encourage them to do so by taking action, which can be done through social media and in other ways.
Whether Protestant or Catholic, we must be remember that the value of prayer, which is of great value, does not make action meaningless. Today, there can be a misunderstanding that Christians should only pray for change concerning the oppression, decline in numbers, and other challenges they face and not also act. On the contrary, it is often still good to act when you can. For example, it is good to pray for people to return to Church, but you also want to encourage them to do so by taking action, which can be done through social media and in other ways.
Somewhat hiding in one’s mind behind the idea that action is not needed can be the fear to act. For example, one may feel that if they mention Christian ideas publicly, they could be embarrassed by people who don’t like to hear religious talk. Refraining from action isn’t always tied to fear, however.
Christians may also hear from others that prayer is good in itself concerning the challenges they face, and they follow that advice. However, instead follow the example of Jesus, who both acted and prayed. He talked to people about changes, set an example for changes, and prayed for changes.