It may not feel normal yet to talk about Christianity in public.

However, we do want it to feel normal.
Christians, it may not seem normal to talk about Christianity out in public. However, what seems normal is strongly based on how one is raised and what one usually experiences afterward for long durations. If you had grown up hearing people talk about Christianity in public and continued to hear it up until now, it would seem like a regular part of everyday life. Since that hasn't been the case, it may not feel normal to talk about Christianity outside of church or one's home.
However, we do want it to feel normal. We want it to feel normal to hear ourselves expressing ourselves as Christians. It is not that we want to make something normal that shouldn’t be considered normal, however.
We want it to feel normal to do what should be seen and felt to be normal. Christians, even within a few years, it would seem normal to hear people talk about Christianity in public if many Christians started doing it. It is within our grasp to normalize Christianity’s presence in the public even within a short period of time.